Removing Permanent Maker From Your Granite Worktop

Without a doubt, having granite countertops ensures that you have the most attractive house in the neighbourhood by sporting a stylish and elegant mess-free look. Did you accidentally slip your hand while using a permanent marker and end up staining your high-end countertop? 

Now what gets permanent marker off? Do not fret because we have you covered with a step-by-step guide on how to remove that permanent ink stain that refuses to budge.

Things You Will Need

Eradicating a permanent marker stain from your beloved granite countertop is not a difficult task, and everything you require to make your countertop look brand new is probably lying around your house already. You will need the following items:

For a fresh permanent ink stain:

• You can use either hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol for a cleaning solution.

• A sponge, a soft washcloth, or a nylon scrub pad.

If the stain has been around for an extended period:

• Hydrogen peroxide

• Baking soda or talcum powder

• Plastic wrap

• Masking tape

• Distilled water

• Masking tape

• A soft white washcloth

• A shallow bowl and a spoon for mixing

Cleaning Solutions to Avoid

Although there is a wide range of alternatives that you can use to remove the permanent marker stain, there are some common cleaners that you should avoid to prevent discoloration of your countertop. Moreover, you must also make sure that the cloth or scrubbing pad you use to wipe your countertop is not made from any harsh materials, as this will lead to irreversible scratches.

Never use the following solutions to erase a stain from your precious granite countertop:

• Cleaners that are highly acidic or alkaline

• Acetone or nail enamel removers

• Solutions used to clean ovens, sinks, or drains

• Turpentine

• Avoid using any products that contain bleach, methylene chloride, or other harsh chemicals

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Remove Permanent Marker Stains from a Granite Countertop

The steps vary depending on the amount of time the permanent ink stain has been on the countertop. Stains that have been there for a long time are pretty stubborn and require a much more rigorous cleaning process.

Step 1: First of all, pour rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide on the stain, ensure that the area is completely soaked, and let it sit for a few minutes.

Step 2: Gently rub the area marked with permanent ink with a sponge, nylon scrub pad, or soft washcloth. After you are done, grab a paper towel and blot the excess liquid from the surface.

If you do not have the main cleaning ingredients at hand, you can always use alternatives such as toothpaste or even hairspray. The above two steps work perfectly in cases with a freshly stained countertop. However, if the stain still does not disappear, you can refer to the following steps:

Step 3: To help lift the ink stain from the surface, it is essential to use a saturation agent, and distilled water is the best fit. Pour it on the stain and let it sit for a few minutes.

Step 4: In a shallow bowl, add 2-3 tablespoons of talcum powder or baking soda. Pour some rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide into this bowl and stir. Keep on adding more of the cleaning liquid until your mixture has reached the consistency of a paste.

Step 5: Now, spread this poultice paste over the stained area.

Step 6: Next, take a piece of plastic wrap and put it over the paste. Secure this with masking tape.

Step 7: After letting the plastic wrap sit for about 24-48 hours, remove it and wipe the leftover paste underneath it with a damp sponge.

Step 8: Finally, rinse the countertop with distilled water and dry the area with a soft white washcloth. It is crucial to ensure that this cloth is white to prevent dye transfer from the fabric to the countertop.

NOTE: If the stubborn stain still refuses to budge, repeat steps 3-8.

Voila! All it takes to ensure that your beautiful countertop is spotless is a streak of patience and a few household items.


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